I'm excited to announce the launch of My Warehouse Home magazine's Winter Capsule Collection, which I've created a series of three wall pieces for. They are available tomorrow through
The pieces were inspired by a body of work I made for 'Collect' at the Saatchi Gallery, for the Bluecoat Display Centre back in 2012. The work references historic shipbuilding with diagrams from my shipwright grandfather's workbooks etched in to the surface of metals.
Three circular wall pieces for 'My Warehouse Home' Winter Capsule Collection in copper and brass, each measuring 22cm diameter. Warehouse Home | Styling by Lucy Gough | Photography by Oliver Perrott
The full winter capsule collection for My Warehouse Home magazine with talented designers:
BeatWoven @BeatWoven
BLURECO @ala_blureco
Higgs & Crick + Setyard @higgsandcrick
Katie Brown @katienbrown
Miles Dexter @m_dex1
New North Press @NNPletterpress
Nick Fraser @nickfraseruk
Primary Grey @PrimaryGrey
Stolen Form @StolenForm
Warehouse Home | Styling by Lucy Gough | Photography by Oliver Perrott
Warehouse Home | Styling by Lucy Gough | Photography by Oliver Perrott
Work in progress back in 2012 when I first started developing this body of work.